Category: Electronics

Arduino Nano v3 internal temperature sensor

Calibration data:

Download data & formulas in excel.
Atmega documentation says:
The voltage sensitivity is approximately 1 mV/°C and the accuracy of the temperature measurement is +/- 10°C.
Measured temperature is a sum of ambient temperature and chip’s TDP.

In fact it rises up for few minutes after the chip is powered and may change in base of load.

// Read Atmega328P internal temperature sensor //
long read_temp()
  // Read temperature sensor against 1.1V reference
  ADMUX = _BV(REFS1) | _BV(REFS0) | _BV(MUX3);
  // Start AD conversion
  // Detect end-of-conversion
  while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA,ADSC));
  // return raw data
  return ADCL | (ADCH << 8);

// Convert raw temperature data to °C
double conv_temp(long raw_temp)
  // f(x) = (raw - offset) / coeff
  return((raw_temp - 324.31) / 1.22);

void setup()

void loop()
  Serial.println(conv_temp(read_temp()), 1);

Datasheet Atmega 328P –

It is a curious fact that putting chips in the freezer, after a few minutes when the temperature drops below zero, the chip stops working.

Voltage Drop Protection

DC motor drive circuit with automatic load regulation. Main concept is to cut off power from DC Motor and sustain the voltage in the circuit. Also detect low-battery state.

#1 – Dual Op-Amp CA158 (Like LM358)
#1 – Trimmer 4.7 kΩ (voltage limit regulator)
#1 – NPN-MOSFET IRF530 (14A, 100V)
#1 – Capacitor C 0,1 µF
#1 – Capacitor C 0,33 µF
#1 – Led (Green – Bat ok)
#1 – Led (Red – Bat low)
#2 – Resistor R 220 Ω
#3 – Resistor R 15 kΩ
#1 – Brushed DC-Motor Permax 400 (6V)